Friday, September 22, 2023

Rise and Shine: A Motivational Journey

The department of Artificial Intellengence and Data Science organized a One-day Motivational speech on The Rise and Shine held on September 22, 2023 at Bosch Lab . The main objective of this speech is to motivate  third and final year  students providing them with valuable insights and encouragement to pursue excellencein their academic and personal lives.. Dr. R.S. Aashmi, Head of the AI & Data Science Department, introduced the distinguished guest speaker. Dr.FemilJilta delivered an inspiring speech on the theme "Rise and Shine." She shared personal anecdotes, challenges she faced in her journey, and the strategies she employed to overcome obstacles. The speech focused on resilience, determination, and the importance of continuous learning.The speaker highlighted the importance of staying curious and engaged in continuous learning.  Mrs. Bavitha AP/AI&DS coordinated the program in a successful manner. The session came to an end with the vote of thanks .

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