Sunday, January 24, 2016

Enhancing Student learning through Faculty Development

“Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think”

                                                                                                        - Albert Einstein

    Being a faculty member of AVCE family, myself Mr. R. Kings Krishna Nagaraja Singh, Mr. S. Rajesh Kumar, Mr. Rahul, Mr. Jenihar Prabu, Mr. Gaswin kastro and Mr. Joseph Iniyan has always been a lot of pride and pleasure. Faculty members play a vital role in influencing Education outcomes and enhance the learning capabilities and creative thinking of students. AVCE strongly believes that the significant factor towards building the strong foundation of Engineering education is by strengthening the effectiveness of the faculty and by enhancing the teaching methodology. By enhancing the teaching methodology, the students acquire the freedom to think and act independently, thereby transform themselves as skillful Engineers. In accordance, our college provides several Faculty Development Programs (FDP) for our benefit.

Dr. M. Kandha Babu Training AVCE staff members
   The college organized a two day workshop on ‘Highly Effective Teaching and Learning Methodologies’ from 18.01.2016 to 19.01.2016. Dr. M. Kandha Babu, Professor, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Anna University, Guindy, trained our faculty members. With an orientation about the Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation on the first day, the expert explained the ways to convert Research and Research projects into Patents. On the second day, the Professor focused on the 'highly effective teaching & learning methodologies', which in turn highly enhanced the potential of our faculty members.

     The training program, structured with activities, role play, group discussion and seminar, educated us about the ways to deliver an effective lecture, to evaluate the individual and group assignments, to conduct a technical role play, to conduct a seminar and the documentations needed for accreditations. By the end of the program, we felt enhanced on the grounds of personal and interpersonal effectiveness. Moreover, our staff members are encouraged to participate in several external FDPs as well. For instance, Mr. Pearlson David and Mr. Ravikumar of the Department of Mechanical Engineering participated in an FDP on ‘AUTODESK INVENTOR’ from 23.11.2015 to 27.11.2015. The FDP, organised by ICTACT (ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu), was focused on Digital Prototyping using 'Autodesk Inventor.' To convert the acquired trainings useful for the students, the college has provided the AUTOCAD Laboratory with extraordinary infrastructure comprising latest softwares in i7 computers. 

J2SE training by ICTACT
    Recently, a team of three faculty members attended a 5 day 'J2SE training' from 19.01.2016 to 23.01.2016 at Syed Ammal College of Engineering, Ramanadhapuram. The FDP was organized by ICTACT and skilled our staff members on Java programming and its teaching. 

It is indeed a great pleasure and satisfaction to be a part of the institution that takes tremendous efforts for development of its staff members.

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